Specializing in European lineage

selective focus of Saint Bernard dog

My passion for the São Bernardo began when I still lived in Sorocaba, in 1982/3, going to school on foot, a Beetle parked near me and a man got out and opened the passenger door and I saw that huge dog getting out of the Beetle and almost It didn't fit inside. That image was engraved in my memory. I said to myself: one day I will have a Saint Bernard.

The years passed and after graduating as a doctor, already living in Catanduva, in 2006, returning from a Congress in São Paulo, I passed by Serra Azul on the Bandeirantes highway where there was a pet shop and from a distance I saw 2 São Bernardo puppies. I looked at my daughter who was also passionate about the breed and we both fell in love with those puppies. This is how we acquired our Beethoven, the first Saint Bernard.

How it all started

So after many studies on the breed we began our creation. We were the best breeders at CBKC in a few years. We had the best São Bernardos in Brazil at CBKC in a few years. Currently our objective after creating the American standard for many years has changed.

We know the Original European Standard, which comes from the origin of the breed since it was created in the Saint Bernard monastery in the Swiss Alps. We decided to import this bloodline and introduce the FCI standard for the São Bernardo breed in Brazil. With this we elevate the dogs' height, structure and health above all else. I don't live for dogs but we live for our dogs. We care for their well-being, so we can always say:

“Good Bernardo to you!!!”

selective focus of Saint Bernard dog

Kennel Breeder

In addition to being the owner of Casa do Bernardo, Lourival is also a doctor specialized in vascularization, he performs aesthetic treatments for varicose veins and spider veins, laser treatment of varicose veins and takes care of circulation diseases.


Experience in Creation

Lourival has acquired unique experience in treating and raising her dogs. After years of scientific studies on animal husbandry together with the empirical knowledge acquired over that time, Lourival is a breeder of excellence.

Dr. Lourival Malucho