selective focus of Saint Bernard dog

Everything about the Saint Bernard breed

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selective focus of Saint Bernard dog

Saint Bernard

The São Bernardo has an imposing appearance and still has a somewhat mischievous expression. It is not for nothing that it is described as a very powerful dog. But behind all this pomp, there is an affectionate, serene and friendly pet. Deep down, he is one of those who only have the size to hold a huge heart. Admirably devoted to his family, he does everything to make sure everyone is happy and protected. Therefore, it is a great guard dog. Likewise, there are those who claim that the Saint Bernard dog is a perfect nanny, as he is very patient with children. The fact is that this furry animal has countless skills to please and win over the whole family. Want to bet?

origin: Switzerland


Female: 54kg-63.5kg

Male: 63.5kg-81.6kg


Female: 66cm-71cm

Male: 71cm-76cm

Life expectancy: 8-10 years

selective focus of Saint Bernard dog


The São Bernardo has a history that spans centuries and explains its main characteristics. The breed is believed to be the result of a cross between dogs native to the Alps and Mastiff-type dogs brought by the Roman army. Thus, a giant, hairy, strong and resistant dog was born, capable of facing the cold and snow. Initially, they were used as guard dogs and even sled dogs. However, later, the monks discovered other canine abilities. This is where the story of the Saint Bernard dog intertwines with the work of the monks high in the mountains.

The rescue dog

In the year 1050, the monk Bernard of Menthone established a hospice high in the Alps. The site was built to help pilgrims cross from Switzerland to Rome. As the pass was quite treacherous and dangerous, located at around 8,000 feet above sea level, sometimes unlucky people found it impossible to complete the route. In view of this difficulty, for years, the monks strived to make the Saint Bernard breed prosper.

He's a hero!

Behold, the furry one showed that work and care inhabit his animal nature. Saint Bernard dogs became powerful, able to find and rescue travelers. Such competence is admired for its incredible ability to smell, even people buried under a lot of snow. The ears are also extremely sensitive, with an incredible power to hear low-frequency sounds. In practice, this makes São Bernardo more accurate than any meteorologist when it comes to predicting storms and avalanches.

All this commitment and skill of the São Bernardo breed made it possible for thousands of people to be saved and found. Therefore, the Saint Bernard dog has an inestimable price in Swiss history and pride.

selective focus of Saint Bernard dog


The Saint Bernard dog has a powerful and imposing figure. And it's no wonder, since its gigantic size and muscles spread throughout its body demonstrate its strength in itself. To top it off, your expression is usually interpreted as angry or severe. But this is all just appearance. Inside, there is a friendly pet, very affectionate and calm.

A gentle and versatile giant

The real greatness of the Saint Bernard lies in his good-natured and very gentle nature. And to the surprise of many, the breed has great sensitivity, attachment to family and extreme loyalty. This furry friend loves to be around his humans and loves to please them – which helps a lot in training. He may be a little stubborn, but he is also intelligent and obedient. However, it is necessary to teach the Bernardo puppy from a young age, otherwise, he will be the one who will take you for a walk and dictate the rules of the house!

Another interesting feature is that as a pet, the Saint Bernard has become a great guard dog. This dog already had this function in the beginning, so protecting the territory is intrinsic to its personality. Its keen sense of smell and ears always keep it alert for any suspicious movement. Not to mention its enormous size, strength and courage to ward off all evil.

Breed colors

According to the Brazilian Cinophilia Confederation, the São Bernardo has white as its main color. It also has larger or smaller light red spots, or a continuous light to dark red mantle covering the back and sides, or with a reddish brown patchy mantle. A reddish-brown striped color is permitted, while brownish-yellow is tolerated.

And all dogs of this breed must have mandatory white markings on the chest, paws, tip of the tail, snout stripe, stripe on the head and spot on the neck. White collar and symmetrical dark mask markings are also expected.

Saint Bernard temperament

The Saint Bernard has a surprisingly calm, patient and very kind temperament. It's like a teddy bear that you hug, rest your head on and caress while it's sprawled on the floor loving the affection. However, to ensure this peace of mind, it is important to provide physical exercise and a lot of training.

This breed loves to jump on people to express their affection. The hug is cute, but its weight and size can hurt someone unintentionally. Therefore, the Saint Bernard puppy must be instructed not to have this type of attitude. And as they are eternal children and take time to mature mentally, a dose of patience is required.

The Saint Bernard with children, with strangers and with other animals

The Saint Bernard dog is kind, protective and calm. These attributes make him an excellent partner for children. As they are extremely kind and friendly with little ones, they often act as nannies, taking care of the kids. Another virtue that makes him get along so well with children is his level of patience.

For this same reason, the Saint Bernard is a dog to accompany the elderly too. In fact, the truth is that this breed gets along well with everyone! With training and sociability, the Saint Bernard puppy will soon become friends with other dogs and animals in the house. You will also be able to welcome your visitors very well.

Does the Saint Bernard bark a lot?

The Saint Bernard barks as little as possible. It is a great breed for those who want silent pets. These dogs only bark when necessary, for protection, warning, fear, or attention. However, because they are anxious, they also bark out of boredom, greeting, neediness and separation anxiety.

Is race destructive?

The Saint Bernard breed is quite calm in general. But we need to be honest, this dog has some potential characteristics to destroy a house: its giant size, strength, stubbornness and anxiety.

The good news is that the Saint Bernard dog's nature is calm and gentle. Therefore, the way is to invest in the positive points. Therefore, training and repetitions are essential. And this bet is correct, since the Saint Bernard is a very obedient dog and loves to please his owner. Another measure is to ensure the recommended level of physical exercise so that they do not get bored.

Is the São Bernardo agitated?

The Saint Bernard dog has a calm personality. Therefore, it is not classified as agitated. However, it is still a giant dog. Therefore, it has a lot of energy, which needs to be spent. Furthermore, although they are calm and quiet, they need space.

selective focus of Saint Bernard dog


The Saint Bernard is a dog to be raised with lots of love and affection, as it is companionable and friendly. However, anyone who wants to have this breed at home should be aware that their paws have an incredible power to leave traces of dirt. Or else, its hair and drool will indicate where the St. Bernard dog has been. It's also important to be prepared to spend energy on this furry friend. And it's not just on walks, but with games at home to complement it. Therefore, large homes are the most recommended for this dog. Because it is gigantic, its body can unintentionally knock over objects while walking.


Bathing must be provided whenever necessary. However, shampoo can remove the Saint Bernard's natural oily coating. Therefore, use neutral and specific products for dogs.


The Saint Bernard dog needs weekly brushing. More than keeping you looking good, this helps keep you clean, removing impurities stuck to your body, as well as loose hair. Also take care of tangles and knots with a metal brush or comb.


The St. Bernard's eyes tend to expel a secretion that can cause irritation. Therefore, try to keep this region clean.

selective focus of Saint Bernard dog


In addition to being very calm and happy, the Saint Bernard has iron health. But it should be noted that it cannot withstand heat and this can cause several problems. Because it has a thick coat of fur, it adapts better in colder regions and milder climates. And like any other dog, the Saint Bernard breed is susceptible to facing some difficulties throughout its life.

  • Stomach: large dogs tend to be more likely to develop gastric volvulus dilatation syndrome (known as GDV), which causes a kind of twisting in the stomach. The disease is serious and can be fatal if not properly treated.

  • Hip: Hip dysplasia is a hereditary disease that causes malformation of the hip joints. The problem can present itself at any time in life and needs care. In addition to pain, the pathology tends to worsen with age, causing arthritis and even loss of mobility in the animal.

  • Elbow: Elbow dysplasia is also a hereditary disease that causes malformations in the cartilage or bones of the joint. The problem causes pain, which can become chronic and develop into arthritis. The animal's quality of life is greatly compromised due to swelling and difficulty in mobility.

Saint Bernard exercise level

The Saint Bernard dog is a large and imposing breed, however, its need for physical activity is classified as moderate. A long walk or about half an hour of play a day should be enough to keep your pet happy and healthy.

However, it is worth noting that this breed has a tendency to become obese. Therefore, it is recommended to increase the time and frequency of exercises if necessary to help maintain the animal's weight. Another important point to note is your level of boredom. If the dog still has a lot of energy to spend, it is important to include more walks or activities. And believe me, this measure protects the furniture and objects in the house!

selective focus of Saint Bernard dog



According to the American Kennel Club, it is estimated that the Saint Bernard's invaluable work saved around 2,000 lives over three centuries. At the same time, he found thousands of bodies and provided a dignified funeral for these people.


Legend has it that Saint Bernards carried barrels of brandy around their necks to warm people trapped by the blizzard. However, this is just a legend. In fact, the dogs would lie on the person so that their body and fur acted as a blanket. Thus, they kept the survivor warm in an attempt to save him from the cold. As they worked as a team, the other dogs were responsible for seeking help and completing the rescue.


Saint Bernard became well known with the screening of the film Beethoven the Magnificent (1992). The dog enchanted the public and increased its popularity. Such success caused the film industry to repeat the dose a few times. So, the race starred Beethoven 2 (1993), Beethoven 3 – A Family in Trouble (2000), Beethoven 4 (2001), Beethoven 5 (2003), Beethoven: The Race for Fame (2008) and Beethoven – Adventure Christmas (2011).